Floremara unrooted cuttings


  Begonia Selections:   Other Plants   Availability:



We bring customers the best in unrooted begonia & floral cuttings.

Based in Nashville, Tennessee and part of the Optimara Group, Floremara provides the North American floral industry with top-quality unrooted cuttings. We serve our customers with decades of experience and expertise in the cultivation, research, and marketing of ornamental or decorative flowering plants.

The company has a strong presence in the US flowering Begonia market. We provide cuttings and rooted plugs with a wide selection of new and innovative varieties, including Elatior, Hiemalis, Solenia, I'CONIA, Waterfall, and Beauvilia, plus a selection of royalty-free cultivars.

Floremara provides vigorous performance and unsurpassed quality in all of their plants by employing the very same growing techniques that have been perfected in Europe and have made Elatior Begonias so popular in the EU floral market.

Floremara Greenhouse
Order Plugs and Unrooted Cuttings:

PH  800-443-2290   FAX  615-228-5831

© 2019 Floremara, LLC
1501 Lischey Ave. Nashville, TN  37207